Directions are for womens size X-Small. Changes for sizes Small,
Medium, Large, 1X and 2X are in parentheses.
Bust 32(36-40-44-48-52).
Length 19 1/2(20-20 1/2-21-21 1/2-22).
Scarf Approximately 8 1/2 wide x 72 long.
BERROCO ULTRA ALPACA (100 grs), 4(5-6-7-7-8) hanks #6201 for Vest, 3
hanks for Scarf.
Straight knitting needles, sizes 6 and 8 OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE.
16 Length circular knitting needle, size 6.
Cable needle (cn).
2 St markers.
20 sts = 4; 26 rows = 4 in St st on size 8 needles.
51 sts = 7 1/2; 26 rows = 4 in Cable Pat on size 8 needles.
Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, k3, then k3 from cn.
Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k3, then k3 from cn.
Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in FRONT, p3, then k3 from cn.
Sl 3 sts to cn and hold in BACK, k3, then p3 from cn.
CABLE PATTERN (Worked over 51 sts)
Row 1 (RS): (P3, k3) twice, p3, k6, p3, k3, p3, k6, p3, (k3, p3) twice.
Row 2 and all WS rows: K the k's and p the p's.
Row 3: Rep Row 1.
Row 5: (P3, k3) twice, p3, CF6, p3, k3, p3, CB6, p3, (k3, p3) twice.
Row 7: P3, k3, p3, CF6, k6, p3, k3, p3, k6, CB6, p3, k3, p3.
Row 9: (P3, k3) twice, LT6, k3, (p3, k3) twice, RT6, (k3, p3) twice.
Row 11: (P3, k3) twice, p3, CF6, p3, k3, p3, CB6, p3, (k3, p3) twice.
Row 12: Rep Row 2.
Rep these 12 rows for Cable Pat.
With smaller straight needles, cast on 81(93-105-117-129-141) sts.
Row 1 (RS): K3, * p3, k3, rep from * across.
Row 2: P3, * k3, p3, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until piece
measures 2 1/2 from beg, end on RS. Change to larger needles and p the
next row, dec 1(3-5-7-9-11) sts evenly spaced across
80(90-100-110-120-130) sts. Work even in St st until piece measures 12
1/2 from beg, end on WS.
Shape Armholes: Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2(2-2-2-4-4) rows, 3
sts at beg of the next 2(2-2-4-4-6) rows, 2 sts at beg of the next
2(4-6-6-4-4) rows, then dec 1 st at each armhole every RS row
3(4-4-4-4-4) times 56(60-66-70-76-80) sts. Work even until armholes
measure 6(6 1/2-7-7 1/2-8-8 1/2), end on WS.
Shape Shoulders and Neck: Bind off 4(5-6-6-7-6), k until there are
18(18-20-20-22-24) sts on RH needle, join another hank of yarn and bind
off center 12(14-14-18-18-20) sts, k to end. Working both sides at once,
bind off 4(5-6-6-7-6) sts at beg of the next row, then 4(4-5-5-6-7) sts
at beg of the next 4 rows. AT THE SAME TIME, bind off 5 sts at each neck
edge twice.
With smaller straight needles, cast on 93(105-117-129-141-153) sts.
Establish Cable Pat: Row 1 (RS): K3, (p3, k3) 3(4-5-6-7-8) times, place
marker, work Row 1 of Cable Pat over 51 sts, place marker, (k3, p3)
3(4-5-6-7-8) times, k3.
Row 2: P3, (k3, p3) 3(4-5-6-7-8) times, work Row 2 of Cable Pat to next
marker, (p3, k3) 3(4-5-6-7-8) times, p3. Work in pat as established
until piece measures 2 1/2 from beg, end on RS. Change to larger
Dec Row (WS): P to 1st marker decreasing 0(1-2-3-4-5) sts evenly spaced,
work in Cable Pat as established to next marker, p to end decreasing
0(1-2-3-4-5) sts evenly spaced 93(103-113-123-133-143) sts. Work even,
keeping 51 sts between markers in Cable Pat and 21(26-31-36-41-46) sts
on each side in St st until piece measures 12 1/2 from beg, end on WS.
Shape Armholes: Bind off 4 sts at beg of the next 2(2-2-2-4-4) rows, 3
sts at beg of the next 2(2-2-4-4-6) rows, 2 sts at beg of the next
2(4-6-6-4-4) rows, then dec 1 st at each armhole edge every RS row
3(4-4-4-4-4) times 69(73-79-83-89-93) sts. Work even in pat as
established until armholes measure 3(3 1/2-4-4 1/2-5-5 1/2), end on WS.
Shape Neck: Next Row (RS): Work 22(23-26-26-29-30) sts, join another
hank of yarn and bind off center 25(27-27-31-31-33) sts, work to end.
Working both sides at once, bind off 4 sts at each neck edge once, 3 sts
once, 2 sts once, then dec 1 st at each neck edge once
12(13-16-16-19-20) sts each side. Work even until armholes measure 6(6
1/2-7-7 1/2-8-8 1/2), end on WS.
Shape Shoulders: Bind off 4(5-6-6-7-6) sts at each armhole edge once,
then 4(4-5-5-6-7) sts at each armhole edge twice.
Steam pieces with hot steam iron and a pressing cloth. Sew shoulder
Neckband: With RS facing, using circular needle, beg at center back
neck, pick up and 17(18-18-20-20-21) sts to left shoulder seam, 19 sts
along left front neck edge, 25(27-27-31-31-33) sts across front neck
edge, 19 sts along right front neck edge, then 16(17-17-19-19-20) sts
across remaining back neck edge 96(100-100-108-108-112) sts. Mark for
beg of rnd and carry marker up. Work even in k2, p2 ribbing for 3/4.
Bind off all sts in ribbing.
Armbands: With RS facing, using smaller straight needles, pick up and
k74(78-82-86-90-94) sts evenly spaced around entire armhole edge.
Row 1 (WS): P2, * k2, p2, rep from * across.
Row 2: K2, * p2, k2, rep from * across. Rep these 2 rows until armband
measures 3/4, end on WS. Bind off all sts in ribbing. Sew side and
armband seams.
With larger needles, cast on 57 sts.
Establish Cable Pat: Row 1 (RS): K3, place marker, work Row 1 of Cable
Pat over 51 sts, place marker, k3.
Row 2: P3, work Row 2 of Cable Pat to next marker, p3. Work even in pat
as established until piece measures approximately 72 from beg, end on
WS with Row 12, 1, 2, 3 or 4 of Cable Pat. Bind off all sts.
Steam piece with hot steam iron and a pressing cloth.
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