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Knitting Stitch Library - Knit & Purl- Twisted Diamond Stitch

Multiple of 16 + 2

RT=Right Twist
K2tog and leave sts on left needle. Knit the first of these two sts again. Slip both sts from left needle together.

LT=Left Twist
Skip the next st to be knitted and knit into the back loop of the second st. Knit into the back loops of both sts (the st you skipped and and the second st).


Row 1 (WS) and all other odd rows: p
Row 2: k1, *LT, k4, RT; rep from *, end k1
Row 4: k2, *LT, k2, RT, k2; rep from *
Row 6: k3, *LT, RT, k4; rep from *, end last rep k3
Row 8: k4, *RT, k6; rep from *, end last rep k4
Row 10: k3, *RT, LT, k4; rep from *, end last rep k3
Row 12: k2, *RT, k2, LT, k2; rep from *
Row 14: k1, *RT, k4, LT; rep from *, end k1
Row 16: k8, *LT, k6; rep from *, end k2

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